Spilling, Spuming

Toronto, ON

Hands are the most precious organs for human action. Each finger is an extension of the five elements of space, air, fire, water and earth. The pressure of precision performance within a boundary in fine dining induces a physical dissociation with the food, its container, the table and the people around it from our own bodies. Eating with one’s hands stimulates these elements, bringing forth a divinity to this seemingly mundane act of consumption, and the nerve endings at our fingertips make us more conscious of the taste, textures and aromas of the meal. On the deconstructed plates, food is uncontained and collapes off the sides. As one moves through the meal there’s an aggressive collection of the consumed and the unconsumed, rediscovering life at the table. The foam table itself becomes the dinnerware. The material, silicone-coated foam, forces the absence of utensils as using them would disrupt the fragility of the material. The tactile quality of the material elevates the experience of eating with ones hands and makes the table have its own presence. The landscapes keep you mindful of your body, its proportions and the portions being consumed as well as to those of the people around you. The meal, the people and the table become one.